Designer's Choice Arrangement

$ 59.99

Our designer's choice arrangement includes seasonal fresh flowers, often with local picks from area flower farms.

Please choose from our Lil' Something, Standard, Large, or Deluxe sizes. Photos listed are examples of size and style of our Standard arrangement size; please note final product will not be an exact replica. All sizes include a vase.

If you would like special colors or flowers, please include these details at checkout under "Add special instructions for your order," and we will do our best to accommodate the request.

Save On: You can return your vase to us, for a credit on your next order.

Order ahead for delivery or curbside pickup. If your preferred delivery time is full, please consider another day or curbside pickup.

    DELIVERY ZIP CODES: 63110, 63104, 63118, 63116, 63109, 63139, 63143, 63117, 63105, 63130, 63112, 63108, 63103, 63119, 63133, 63120, 63115.

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